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Early Childhood Education Arts Academy

at Christina Cultural Arts Center

At our preschool, we firmly believe in the immense value of arts education for young children. By integrating creative activities into their daily routine, we not only cultivate their imagination and self-expression but also enhance their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Our Arts-enriched approach lays the foundation for a well-rounded educational journey, nurturing a lifelong love for learning and creativity in our little learners.

The Early Childhood Education Arts Academy (ECEAA) is operated by Christina Cultural Arts Center, Inc. through State and Federal sources, the Academy implements Head Start guidelines as it’s base requirements.

The Early Childhood Education Arts Academy embraces the philosophy that all children can learn and reach their highest potential when given the opportunity to be nurtured by involved parents, and to be taught by teachers who believe they can learn and excel. Parent engagement is key to child success. We provide systems for parents to participate and provide valuable input and feedback to the ECEAA community. Our 5 Star program provides a culturally relevant, arts enriched learning experience that will prepare your child for kindergarten.

STeps to Enrollment

We are delighted that you are considering enrolling your child with us. Our preschool provides a nurturing and stimulating environment to foster your child’s growth and development. Below are the steps to register your child at CCAC.

Schedule a Tour: We encourage you to schedule a tour of our preschool. During the tour, you’ll get a firsthand look at our classrooms, play areas, and facilities. It’s an excellent opportunity to meet our teachers and staff, who will gladly answer any questions you may have.

Check Eligibility: Confirm that your child meets the age requirements for enrollment in our preschool. Typically, we accept children between the ages of 3.5 and 5 years old. Families with special needs are encouraged to apply.

Gather Required Documents: Before proceeding with the registration process, ensure you have the necessary documents ready.

Complete Registration Forms: Obtain our registration forms from our website or in person from our office. Fill out the forms accurately and thoroughly, providing all required information. The information you provide will help us understand your child’s unique needs and how we can best support their growth.

Fees: Christina Cultural Arts Center strives to make preschool affordable to all families. We work closely with all our families to make it manageable for children to have access to an arts-focused education.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Early Childhood Education Arts Academy Director or Family Service Coordinator at

(302) 652-0101 or Fax (302) 689-4719.

Or email:

Shysheika Edwards (Education Director) at: or Daphne Evans (Family Service Coordinator) at